Friday, May 29, 2009

NRCC Launches Robocalls Against Walt Minnick

NRCC Launches Robocalls Against Walt Minnick
“Democrat Accountability Offensive”
Highlights Minnicks Reluctance to Investigate CIA Claims

Washington - The NRCC is announcing a new robocall in its "Accountability Offensive" aimed at holding Rep. Walt Minnick (D-ID) accountable for blocking an investigation into Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s audacious claim that the CIA “misleads [her] all the time.”

“Walt Minnick has once again shown he’d rather protect his Speaker than uncover the truth,” said NRCC Communications Director Ken Spain. “For Pelosi to insinuate that the CIA lied to her is bad enough, but for Minnick to then block an investigation into her claims is even worse.”To listen to the robocall click here:

Here is the script for the robocall hitting Walt Minnick:
Caller: Hello, this political call is paid for by the National Republican Congressional Committee and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee. We can be reached at 202-479-7000.

I’m calling with an important voter alert.

Your Congressman Walt Minnick voted to block an investigation into House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s claims that the CIA lied to Congress.

Minnick votes with Pelosi 71.8% of the time.

Please call Walt Minnick at (202) 225-6611 and tell him to stop voting to protect Nancy Pelosi.

Paid for by the NRCC

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Idaho Republican News-May 13, 2009


Idaho Republican Party Chairman Norm Semanko issued the following statement today regarding Rex Rammell's announcement that he intends to run for Governor: "I am perplexed by Rex Rammell's most recent annoucement. For the past month, Rammell has been running against Congressman Mike Simpson; before that, he was an independent running against Senator Risch. I am not sure which party he belongs to -- or if he belongs to one at all. Serious Republican candidates for higher office typically contact the Chairman of the Party to discuss their plans prior to making this kind of announcement. That wasn't done in this case."

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Idaho Republican News May 8th, 2009


Idaho Republican Party Chairman Norm Semanko provided the following comment on the adjournment of the Idaho State Legislature today: "Once again, the Idaho Republican Party has shown that it is the party of ideas, leading the way. I am proud and very appreciative of the hard work that the Governor and our Legislative Leadership in the House and Senate have done under a very difficult set of circumstances. Like a family discussion around the kitchen table during difficult economic times, our elected Republican leaders had a good, open and honest discussion about the future of our State. Having come to a resolution, we can all move forward together with a common action plan."