Friday, May 29, 2009

NRCC Launches Robocalls Against Walt Minnick

NRCC Launches Robocalls Against Walt Minnick
“Democrat Accountability Offensive”
Highlights Minnicks Reluctance to Investigate CIA Claims

Washington - The NRCC is announcing a new robocall in its "Accountability Offensive" aimed at holding Rep. Walt Minnick (D-ID) accountable for blocking an investigation into Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s audacious claim that the CIA “misleads [her] all the time.”

“Walt Minnick has once again shown he’d rather protect his Speaker than uncover the truth,” said NRCC Communications Director Ken Spain. “For Pelosi to insinuate that the CIA lied to her is bad enough, but for Minnick to then block an investigation into her claims is even worse.”To listen to the robocall click here:

Here is the script for the robocall hitting Walt Minnick:
Caller: Hello, this political call is paid for by the National Republican Congressional Committee and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee. We can be reached at 202-479-7000.

I’m calling with an important voter alert.

Your Congressman Walt Minnick voted to block an investigation into House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s claims that the CIA lied to Congress.

Minnick votes with Pelosi 71.8% of the time.

Please call Walt Minnick at (202) 225-6611 and tell him to stop voting to protect Nancy Pelosi.

Paid for by the NRCC

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Idaho Republican News-May 13, 2009


Idaho Republican Party Chairman Norm Semanko issued the following statement today regarding Rex Rammell's announcement that he intends to run for Governor: "I am perplexed by Rex Rammell's most recent annoucement. For the past month, Rammell has been running against Congressman Mike Simpson; before that, he was an independent running against Senator Risch. I am not sure which party he belongs to -- or if he belongs to one at all. Serious Republican candidates for higher office typically contact the Chairman of the Party to discuss their plans prior to making this kind of announcement. That wasn't done in this case."

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Idaho Republican News May 8th, 2009


Idaho Republican Party Chairman Norm Semanko provided the following comment on the adjournment of the Idaho State Legislature today: "Once again, the Idaho Republican Party has shown that it is the party of ideas, leading the way. I am proud and very appreciative of the hard work that the Governor and our Legislative Leadership in the House and Senate have done under a very difficult set of circumstances. Like a family discussion around the kitchen table during difficult economic times, our elected Republican leaders had a good, open and honest discussion about the future of our State. Having come to a resolution, we can all move forward together with a common action plan."

Monday, April 27, 2009

Obama’s First 100 Days

Obama’s First 100 Days: Higher Spending. More Debt. New Taxes. Broken Promises.

WASHINGTON, D.C.— Americans for Tax Reform (ATR) today released a comprehensive taxpayer timeline of President Barack Obama’s first 100 days in office.

Day 1 -- January 20: In his Inaugural address, President Obama makes a noteworthy commitment to the American taxpayer:

“And those of us who manage the public's dollars will be held to account, to spend wisely, reform bad habits, and do our business in the light of day, because only then can we restore the vital trust between a people and their government.”

Day 7 -- January 26: Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner is sworn in by Obama despite having owed more than $40,000 in back taxes and interest.

Day 10 -- January 30: After a long career working and voting FOR tax increases and working and voting AGAINST tax cuts, Obama’s Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) nominee Tom Daschle is first reported to have paid over $100,000 in back taxes.

“Make no mistake: Tax cheaters cheat us all. And the IRS should enforce our laws to the letter.” (Sen. Tom Daschle speaking on the Senate floor on May 7, 1998)


Day 14 -- February 2: In order to ensure “What happens in Chicago, stays in Chicago” by preventing corruption and kickbacks arising from the “stimulus” bill, ATR asks each Member of Congress planning to vote for the bill to sign a statement promising that they, their family, and the members of their staff will not personally benefit from the bill. All refuse.

Day 15 -- February 3: Tom Daschle withdraws his nomination due to tax problems.

Chief Performance Officer-designate Nancy Killefer withdraws her nomination due to tax problems.

Day 16 -- February 4: On the sixteenth day of his presidency, Obama breaks one of the central promises of his campaign by singing into law a 156 percent increase in the federal excise tax on tobacco, a hike of 61 cents per pack, which took effect on April 1. Obama promised repeatedly on the campaign trail that he would never raise any form of taxes on those making less than $250,000 per year, for example:

“I can make a firm pledge. Under my plan, no family making less than $250,000 a year will see any form of tax increase. Not your income tax, not your payroll tax, not your capital gains taxes, not any of your taxes (September 12, 2008, Dover, NH)

[Transcript] [Video clip]

"No one making less than $250,000 under Barack Obama's plan will see one single penny of their tax raised," Joe Biden said, "whether it's their capital gains tax, their income tax, investment tax, any tax."(Joe Biden, Oct. 3, 2008, Vice Presidential Debate, St. Louis, MO)

[Transcript] [Video Clip]

The tax increase falls squarely on the shoulders of the middle- and low-income Americans Obama said he would not raise taxes on: 55 percent of smokers are “working poor”, one in four smokers live below the poverty line, and on average, smokers, whose median income is a little more than $36,000 make about 30 percent less than non-smokers.

Day 21 -- February 9: Calling for a massive government spending program under the guise of “stimulus” Obama holds his first press conference and fails to provide a single historical example where a government increased spending which led to increased jobs, income, and wealth on any sustainable basis.

Obama also has the audacity to claim the “stimulus” plan is free of pet projects and earmarks:

“What it does not contain, however, is a single pet project, not a single earmark, and it has been stripped of the projects members of both parties found most objectionable.”


Responding to a reporter’s question as to what specific metric the American people should use to determine whether Obama’s programs are working, Obama replies:

“I think my initial measure of success is creating or saving 4 million jobs.”

(How, exactly, does one measure a “saved” job? See March 4 for details)

Obama promises that the next day “Tim Geithner will be announcing some very clear and specific plans for how we are going to start loosening up credit once again.”

Day 22 -- February 10: Instead of offering specifics in his testimony to the Senate Banking Committee, Geithner issues vague statements and echoes FDR’s economically paralyzing “bold, persistent experimentation” philosophy:

“We will have to adapt our program as conditions change. We will have to try things we’ve never tried before. We will make mistakes. We will go through periods in which things get worse and progress is uneven or interrupted.”

The Dow falls 380 points.

Day 23 – February 11: Obama speaks to employees of heavy-machinery manufacturer Caterpillar, claiming that the “stimulus” bill would allow the company to hire back many of the employees it had previously laid off.

Day 24 -- February 12: The day after Obama tells Caterpillar workers the stimulus will save their jobs, the company’s CEO James Owen states “The honest reality is we're probably going to have more layoffs before we start hiring again.”

Sometime around 10:00 PM: The “Stimulus” conference report is completed behind closed doors. Less than sixteen hours pass before the bill is taken up by the House.

Day 25 -- Friday, February 13:

2:24 PM: With not a single Member voting for the bill having claimed to have actually read it, the House passes the conference report for H.R.1, the “American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009”.

5:29 PM: With not a single Member voting for the bill having claimed to have actually read it, the Senate passes the conference report for H.R. 1.

Day 29 -- February 17: Obama signs the “Stimulus” bill and violates his transparency pledge to the American people that he will allow legislation to be posted online for five full days before signing it.

“No more secrecy. … when there's a bill that ends up on my desk as president, you, the American voter, will have five days to look online and find out what it is before I sign it, so that you know what your government's doing.”

(June 22, 2007. Manchester, New Hampshire)

[Transcript] [Video]

The below is copied directly from the Ethics section of

Sunlight Before Signing: Too often bills are rushed through Congress and to the president before the public has the opportunity to review them. As president, Obama will not sign any non-emergency bill without giving the American public an opportunity to review and comment on the White House website for five days.

Day 36 -- February 24: Obama makes his first address to a joint session of Congress and claims he doesn’t believe in “bigger government”:

“As soon as I took office, I asked this Congress to send me a recovery plan by Presidents Day that would put people back to work and put money in their pockets, not because I believe in bigger government -- I don't -- not because I'm not mindful of the massive debt we've inherited -- I am.”

Obama again has the audacity to claim the “stimulus” bill contained no earmarks:

“Now,I'm proud that we passed a recovery plan free of earmarks, and I want to pass a budget next year that ensures that each dollar we spend reflects only our most important national priorities.”

Day 38 -- February 26: Obama releaseshis budget outline which raises taxes on individuals, employers both large and small, and shareholders -- while eliminating several energy tax credits.

The budget also calls for a “cap and trade” regime, making an absolute mockery of Obama’s central campaign promise not to raise any form of taxes on those making less than $250,000 per year.

Obama also shatters his campaign promise to enact net spending cuts during his administration:

“So we’re going to have to make some investments but we’ve also got to make spending cuts, and what I’ve proposed -- you’ll hear Senator McCain say ‘he’s proposing a whole bunch of new spending’ -- but, actually, I’m cutting more than I’m spending. So that it will be a net spending cut.” (Oct. 7, 2008. Second Presidential Debate, Nashville, TN)

[Transcript] [Video]

(The Obama FY 2009 budget increases federal spending to 28.5% of GDP, a post World War II high.)

Day 41 -- March 1: The Obama administration foreshadows another broken promise when Peter Orszag, appearing on This Week with George Stephanopoulos, claims the 8,000 earmarks in the 2009 Omnibus Appropriations Act of 2009 are “last year’s business. We just need to move on.” The statement by Orszag in not consistent with Obama’s campaign promise made in the first presidential debate:

“And, absolutely, we need earmark reform. And when I'm president, I will go line by line to make sure that we are not spending money unwisely.” (Sept. 26, 2008. First Presidential Debate, Oxford, Miss.)


Day 43 -- March 3: Obama compares the stock market to a political daily tracking poll:

"The stock market is sort of like a tracking poll in politics. It bobs up and down day-to-day," Obama said. "And if you spend all your time worrying about that, then you're probably going to get the long-term strategy wrong."

Day 44 -- March 4: While testifying before the Senate Finance Committee, Secretary Geithner is challenged by committee chairman Max Baucus (D-Mont.) as to the invention by the Obama administration of a new metric – “creating or saving” jobs – the very same metric Obama claimed on Feb. 9 is the most important measure of success:

SEN: MAX BAUCUS:"You created a situation where you cannot be wrong. If the economy loses 2 million jobs over the next few years, you can say yes, but it would've lost 5.5 million jobs. If we create a million jobs, you can say, well, it would have lost 2.5 million jobs," Baucus said. "You've given yourself complete leverage where you cannot be wrong, because you can take any scenario and make yourself look correct."

CNN visits the site of the first “stimulus” dollars to hit the ground: An $8.5 million bridge near the town of Tuscumbia,Missouri – population 223.

Day 45 -- March 5: Testifying before the House Budget Committee, Secretary Geithner concedes Obama’s budget raises taxes on small businesses, but focuses on a meaningless metric: The percentage of small businesses affected rather than the fact that two-thirds of small business profits will be subject to higher taxation.

Day 46 – March 6: The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports the unemployment rate rose from 7.6% to 8.1%, and the economy shed 651,000 jobs in the month of February.

Day 51 -- March 11: Obama signs HR 1105, the Omnibus Appropriations Act of 2009, a $410 billion piece of legislation containing over 8,000 earmarks. By signing the bill, Obama breaks at least three of his most important campaign promises:

  1. Transparency -- Obama promised to post passed legislation online for five full days before signing it. Obama signed the Omnibus spending bill less than a day after he received it from Congress.

“When there is a bill that ends up on my desk as President, you, the American voter, will have five days to look online and find out what it is before I sign it.

(June 22, 2007. Manchester, New Hampshire)

[Transcript] [Video]

  1. Overall spending – Obama promised to enact net spending cuts as President. The Omnibus bill is more than 8 percent higher than 2008 spending levels.

“So we’re going to have to make some investments but we’ve also got to make spending cuts, and what I’ve proposed -- you’ll hear Senator McCain say ‘he’s proposing a whole bunch of new spending’ --but, actually, I’m cutting more than I’m spending. So that it will be a net spending cut.”

(Oct. 7, 2008. Second Presidential Debate, Nashville, TN)

[Transcript] [Video]

  1. Wasteful spending – Obama promised to “go line by line” to make sure taxpayer money was not wasted. Among the questionable spending in the Omnibus bill is an earmark which sticks taxpayers with a $200,000 tab for a tattoo removal program in California.

“And, absolutely, we need earmark reform. And when I'm president, I will go line by line to make sure that we are not spending money unwisely.” (Sept. 26, 2008. First Presidential Debate, Oxford, Miss.)


Day 52 -- March 12: While testifying before the Senate Budget Committee, Treasury Secretary Geithner acknowledges tax increases “hurt growth” – then proceeded to duck questions as to whether President Obama’s planned tax hikes would go into effect in 2011 regardless of the condition of the economy:

SEN. MIKE CRAPO, R-Idaho: “You say that the tax increases will only happen when the economy has recovered. I understand that a lot of economists are saying we are going to be recovered by 2011. Frankly I think there are economists who are saying maybe our recovery will not be so strong by then. My question to you is, are these tax increases contingent on a recovery or are they going to happen regardless of what happens in 2011?”

SEC. GEITHNER: “Senator, I think it is a very important question. I think, again, we need to lay out an ambitious path for bringing those deficits down, commit to achieving that with a mix of measures on the resource side and the spending side to do the best possible job of leaving our economy stronger, and that’s what the President’s budget tries to do. Now of course we are going to have to watch how the economy evolves and I want to underscore that one of the mistakes governments have made over time in dealing with economic crises is putting the brakes on too quickly or in ways that hurt growth just as it’s starting to take hold. We just want to be careful not to do that.”

SEN. CRAPO: “So are you saying if we don’t see the more rosy picture in 2011 that we may not see the Administration suggest that we move to enact tax increases?”

SEC. GEITHNER: “I’m just saying that recovery requires that we keep stimulus sustained until growth is in place but we have to do it in a fiscally responsible way.”

Earl Devaney, chairman of the Recovery Act Accountability and Transparency Board (RAT Board) cautions that it would be at least a year before, the website that is supposed to be tracking “stimulus” spending, will be running properly. He also points out that there will be waste and fraud:

“I'm afraid that there may be a naive impression that given the amount of transparency and accountability called for by this act, no or little fraud will occur. My 38 years of federal enforcement experience tells me that some level of waste and fraud is unfortunately inevitable."

Day 57 -- March 17: The Providence Journalreports that the city of Pawtucket in Rhode Island will be using $550,000 in federal “stimulus” money to build a skateboarding park and renovate tennis and basketball courts at a local high school.

Caterpillar announces it is laying off 2,454 employees.

Day 58 -- March 18: Obama extols Treasury Secretary Geithner: “Nobody's working harder than this guy. You know, he is making all the right moves in terms of playing a bad hand. I have complete confidence in Tim Geithner and my entire economic team.”


Day 60 -- March 20: The Congressional Budget Office (CBO)releases a report on the cost of Obama’s budget. According to the report:

Day 64 -- March 24: During the second press conference of his presidency, Obama tells the nation his budget moves “from an era of borrow-and-spend to one where we save and invest.”

Obama also falsely claims his budget will provide a tax cut to 95 percent of all working families that will appear in people’s paychecks by April 1.”

In reality, it is impossible to cut taxes for “95 percent of working families.”

According to IRS data, one-third of all income tax filers do not have an income tax liability. About 15 percent of all working families do not even have a FICA tax liability, and these numbers are before taking into effect all the new refundable tax credits in the Obama budget. For these “working families,” all Obama’s budget will do is cut them the equivalent of a welfare check.

Day 66 -- March 26: An Associated Press story reports that the Obama Administration’s claims to “save and create” jobs through the “stimulus” package cannot be substantiated. ATR says “We told you so.”

Day 70 -- March 30: Obama signs the Omnibus Public Lands Management Act, a bill containing numerous earmarks, including $3.5 million to celebrate the 450th Anniversary of St Augustine, Florida in 2015.

Day 71 -- March 31: The White House discloses that Kathleen Sebelius, its second nominee to head the Department of Health and Human Services, had to pay $7,040 in back taxes.

Onvia, a Seattle-based company launches While the administration is looking to lower expectations regarding, already contains much more useful information that the administration’s site which primarily boasts spin and propaganda

The GAO releases a report on TARP underscoring the lack of transparency and accountability in the program.

Day 72 -- April 1: On April Fool’s Day, Obama’s first broken promise goes into effect: His promise not to raise any form of taxes on those making less than $250,000 per year. Signed into law back on Feb. 4, on just the sixteenth day of his presidency, the 156 percent –61 cents per pack -- cigarette tax increase falls largely on the shoulders of middle and low-income Americans.

“I can make a firm pledge. Under my plan, no family making less than $250,000 a year will see any form of tax increase. Not your income tax, not your payroll tax, not your capital gains taxes, not any of your taxes.” (Barack Obama, September 12, 2008, Dover, NH)

[Transcript] [Video clip]

"No one making less than $250,000 under Barack Obama's plan will see one single penny of their tax raised, whether it's their capital gains tax, their income tax, investment tax, any tax."(Joe Biden, Oct. 3, 2008, Vice Presidential Debate, St. Louis, MO)

[Transcript] [Video Clip]

Asked about the tax increase/broken promise, White House spokesman Reid H. Cherlin said"The president's position throughout the campaign was that he would not raise income or payroll taxes on families making less than $250,000, and that's a promise he has kept.”

Day 73 -- April 2: The House and Senate pass the Obama budget outline

Day 74 -- April 3: Day 74 -- April 3: AWall Street Journal story notes that CBO’s budget estimate from March also quietly revised the cost of TARP up from $189 billion in January to $356 billion.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports the unemployment rate rose from 8.1% to 8.5%, and the economy shed 663,000 jobs in the month of March.

Day 75 -- April 4: Responding to questioning as to why Obama has not met his promise to post legislation online for five full days before signing it into law, senior advisor David Axelrod answeredHave we achieved everything we want to achieve yet? No. We’ve actually been a little preoccupied. We’re trying to deal with some major challenges here.”

Day 78 -- April 7: Janet Napolitano’s Department of Homeland Security releases a report titled “Rightwing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment”

Day 85 -- April 14: Asked about the tax day tea parties being held the following day, Obama spokesman Robert Gibbs saidI don't know if the President is aware of the events.”

Day 86 -- April 15: At least 578,000 Americans attend at least 540 tax day tea parties across the country.

On this day in 1990, Leona Helmsley is ordered to report to prison for not paying her taxes.

On this day in 2009, Tim Geithner is Treasury Secretary and runs the IRS.

Day 88 -- April 17: Despite her tax problems, Kathleen Sebelius wins Senate Committee approval.

Day 90 -- April 19: Obama senior advisor David Axelrod, appearing on the CBS Sunday morning show Face the Nation, describes the taxpayer tea parties as “unhealthy”.

Day 91 -- April 20: Obama insults taxpayers by calling for a mere $100 million in spending cuts from the federal budget within 90 days.

  • $100 million represents .003% (three one thousandths of a percent) of Obama’s FY 2010 budget.

  • $100 million is what the federal government spends every 13 minutes.

  • As Harvard Economist Greg Mankiw points out, cutting $100 million from the federal budget is the equivalent of a family spending $100,000 per year cutting a $3 latte from the annual budget.

Attempting to defend the paltry amount of proposed cuts, Obama spokesman Robert Gibbs tells reporters: “I'm not making jokes about it. I'm being completely sincere that only in Washington, D.C. is $100 million not a lot of money. It is where I'm from. It is where I grew up. And I think it is for hundreds of millions of Americans.”


Day 93 -- April 22: Happy Earth Day? Obama sends three cabinet officers to Congress to testify in favor of the energy provisions in his budget, threatening Americans with a $10,000 tax hike per year on every American family once fully phased in.

A GAO report warns of a lack of accountability and oversight for “stimulus” spending, and points out the slow pace of spending in spite of Vice President Joe Biden’s assertion that “stimulative spending is ahead of schedule.”

Friday, April 24, 2009

More Profile in Arrogance

Recently in his speech in France, Barack Obama called America "arrogant." 1 I'm sure the French loved it -- And so did the liberal press.

But who is this president who calls the American people arrogant?

This is the same politician whose supporters anointed him "The One" and a candidate who boasted that his election would be remembered as "the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal." 2

This is the same man who indicated his disdain for small town and working Americans when he said they "cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them," while addressing a group of San Francisco caviar and champagne liberal elitists.

How arrogant is that? Arrogant enough?

In truth, President Obama seems to champion the twisted "Blame-America First" mentality of the worst of the American left.

More importantly, it shows an absence of wisdom to criticize the United States while on foreign soil, and then join with the Pelosi-Reid Democrats in Congress to do everything possible to end American exceptionalism and create a weak, dependent socialist state patterned after the examples of Europe.

  • He has taken steps towards nationalizing American auto companies; firing executives while leaving in power the same Union Bosses who funded his campaign and helped cripple the U.S.'s manufacturing base.

  • He has refused to let financial firms pay back taxpayer-funded bailout loans 3 so he can make them hostages to the whims of the Federal government.

  • As a lawyer, Obama once sued the same financial institutions on behalf of radical groups like ACORN for failing to use leftist social engineering criteria for lending instead of an applicant's ability to repay a loan.

  • He campaigned on "transparency" and "integrity" in government and then has nominated a rogue gallery of tax evaders, Washington bureaucrats, and lobbyists to run his Administration.

  • Obama brazenly follows his chief of staff's maxim of "You never want a serious crisis to go to waste...This crisis provides the opportunity for us to do things that you could not do before" 4 to cripple our free markets with massive taxation and spending that wrests away our freedoms and puts even our great-grandchildren in debt.

  • And now, anyone who dares speak out against or challenge Obama's ultra-liberal agenda, such as the hundreds of thousands of patriots who attended last week's Tea Parties, should expect to be labeled "unhealthy" by this Adminstration. 5 Now, THAT is arrogance!

You know that Barack Obama's hubris and charisma conceal the inexperience and lack of wisdom that our country cannot afford in its president.

And though the teleprompter and mainstream media liberals may delay America's realization of the peril the Obama White House portends for our future for a while, the eventual failure of leftist policies and ineffective leadership will not.

We must be ready when that time comes.

Please help the Republican Party's effort to spread the word about the Democrats' arrogance of power and support GOP Members of Congress as they work to hold the Obama Democrats accountable to the American people, by making a contribution of $1,000, $500, $100, $50, or $25 to the Republican National Committee today.

Your gift will also help support the recruitment and election of principled candidates who will defeat the Democrats in 2009 and 2010 and lay the groundwork for ending Barack Obama's grip on power in 2012. Thank you.


Michael Steele
Chairman, Republican National Committee

P.S. Cally, the RNC is working hard to hold back the Obama Democrats' damaging, arrogant power grab -- please take this opportunity right now to support our fight against ineffective leadership and failed legislation by making a secure online contribution of $1,000, $500, $100, $50, or $25 to the RNC today. Thank you.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Chairman's Update

Dear Fellow Republicans,
We have had a great month here at the Idaho Republican Party. Here are some of the highlights:
Lincoln Day Celebrations. County GOP organizations celebrated the 200th anniversary of President Abraham Lincoln's birthday -- and raised money for our candidates -- all across the state during February and March. The first Republican President has been honored at 23 different events already (a few counties are planning April and May events) and the Idaho Republican Party has been represented at all of them. As the State Chairman, I have made it a priority to attend these events; I have been to 22 so far, from Bonners Ferry to Preston. Many thanks to Governor Butch Otter and First Lady Lori, and the rest of our Constitutional Officers, as well as Senators Crapo and Risch, Congressman Simpson, and our State Legislators for making the effort to attend these local GOP events. Everywhere we go; attendance -- and enthusiasm -- has been very high.

2009 Membership Drive. You should have received your Sustaining Member card and renewal form in the mail in the past month. If not, please contact us at State Party headquarters, 208-343-6405 or Thank you for taking the time to return your contribution and helping us replenish our coffers and build a war chest for the 2010 elections. We can't do it without you. If you received your card and haven't had a chance to contribute yet, please mail your form back or make a secure contribution online at

Ivory 500 Club kickoff. We kicked off the Ivory 500 Club in Boise on the evening of March 24 with Speaker of the House Lawerence Denney and Senate Pro Temp Bob Geddes. These special events, featuring prominent speakers from government, business and education, will be held around the state this year. Donors that have committed $500 or more during 2009 are included in these events at no charge. If you are interested in joining the Ivory 500 Club, please contact Jonathan Parker at 208-343-6405 or email

Night with the Steelheads. Many thanks to Primary Health for hosting a night with the Idaho Steelheads at Qwest Arena on March 27. Superintendent Tom Luna and his wife were on hand, along with Idaho GOP supporters and friends. A good time was had by all!

Speaker Series. The State GOP Speaker Series begins on April 15 with Lieutenant Governor Brad Little. Come support the GOP and hear from our new Lieutenant Governor! The event will be held at the Hilton Garden Inn in Boise, near the Edwards 21 Cinemas and begins at 5:30. The cost is $20 ($10 for Young Republicans). Please RSVP to Cally at 343-6405 or

Victory in 2010!

Norm Semanko
Chairman, Idaho Republican Party

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Membership Renewal

Dear Friend,
As Republicans, we face tremendous challenges -- and great opportunities -- over the next few years.We are only a few weeks into the Barack Obama administration and already we are seeing massive pork-barrel spending plans, more taxpayer funded bailouts, and ethically-challenged appointments to top government posts. Obama is even trying to ban Christian Bible studies, worship services and other religious activities from many public education buildings in a section of his pork barrel stimulus plan.

While Obama talked a lot about "change" in the Presidential campaign, it sure looks a lot like the same old failed liberal policies -- and people -- of the past. One thing is for certain: It is going to be a long four years with Democrats in charge of the White House.

Fortunately, things have been better for Republicans here in Idaho. We actually increased our margin in the State Legislature and County Commissions across the State during the last election. However, if we are not prepared, our fortunes can turn for the worse here in Idaho too.
From Governor to State Controller, we have all seven Constitutional Offices to defend in the next election, as well as both Senator Crapo's and Congressman Simpson's seats. And, of course, we need to work hard to reclaim the First Congressional District from Walt Minnick and the Democrats.

Democrats are already busy building up their war chest for the next election cycle. We must do the same.

That’s why I’m pleased to present you with the enclosed 2009 Idaho Republican Party Sustaining Membership card. Please activate your membership by sending in your contribution today!

In 2008, the Idaho Republican Party worked harder than ever to make sure all the voters knew the truth about our Republican slate of candidates.

We brought Republican National Chairman, Mike Duncan to Idaho to assist with fundraising. Former Massachusetts Governor and presidential candidate Mitt Romney came to Idaho to help Senator Jim Risch’s campaign. We sent over 100,000 pieces of Get-Out-The-Vote mail to targeted voters, and we spent over $100,000 on Voter ID, and we were able to give over $150,000 to our legislative candidates and caucuses.

Our candidates’ success at the polls showed how effective these programs are in helping them run competitive campaigns.

But our success depends on you. Please consider donating to the Idaho Republican Party today by sending in your contribution of $500, $250, $100 or even $50 to help us stand up to the Democrats’ attempts to push Idaho to the extreme left.

Our Party organization is developing an ambitious program to recruit top-notch candidates, register new voters and mount effective campaigns all across the state.
Your annual or monthly contribution to the Idaho Republican Party will help us implement our plan and “hit the ground running.” It will ensure that we can continue to provide our candidates with the resources necessary to win.

In 2010, we will need to make sure our state fully supports our constitutional officers, the Republican candidate for Representative of the 1st Congressional District, and continues to send a strong Republican Congressional delegation to keep President Barack Obama, Walt Minnick, and Nancy Pelosi from destroying the progress Republicans have made.

Please join our team. Activate your 2009 Membership by returning the enclosed pledge form with your contribution in the postage-paid envelope provided, or by submitting your payment online at

You and other Republicans have consistently and generously provided the support we need to meet our goals and make a difference. So please become a sustaining member for 2009 by sending in your most generous contribution today. Also, consider donating $100, $50, $25 or even $10 per-month by filling out the enclosed form. But no matter the amount, please continue to support the Idaho Republican Party as an active Sustaining Member. We need your help!
Don’t underestimate the value of your contribution. Without it we will not able to do what must be done to protect our principles, our policies and our programs.

I look forward to your prompt response – and to welcoming you as a 2009 Sustaining Member!


Norm Semanko
Chairman, Idaho Republican Party

Income Tax Donations

Dear Fellow Idaho Republicans, Barack Obama and his liberal friends in Congress are spending tens of billions of dollars -- every day -- with no end in sight. They believe that we can spend our way to prosperity and that big government is the answer to all of our problems.

We know that is not true.

As Republicans, we believe that individual citizens should be allowed to keep more of their hard-earned money; that government needs to be brought under control; and that the individual and the family are at the center of our great republic -- not government.

Please help us communicate this message by taking the opportunity to donate $1 per individual on your State Tax return. It is easy -- it won't reduce your refund or increase your taxes -- and it makes a significant contribution to the Idaho Republican Party. Most importantly, it will get the Republican message out and help stop Barack Obama and the Democrats in Congress from continuing to mortgage the future of our children and our grandchildren.

Thank you for your support.

Victory in 2010!

Norm Semanko, Chairman
Idaho Republican Party

Idaho Republican Party E Newsletter

Dear Fellow Idaho Republicans,
2009 is off to a great start! Here are some of the highlights of the past couple months:

Record attendance at the Governor's Ball and GOP Legislative Gala.

Over 900 people showed up at the Grove Hotel in Boise on the evening of January 30 to celebrate with their Republican friends and elected GOP officials. There were a lot of young, new faces there; a fact that was not lost on Governor Otter as he addressed the crowd. Despite his recent shoulder injury, the Governor stayed well into the night to greet the GOP faithful that attended the Ball, as did our GOP Legislative leadership and Constitutional officers.

State Central Committee Meeting.

The GOP State Central Committee met in Boise on January 31 to conduct official party business, including consideration of proposed rules and resolutions, present awards in recognition of outstanding Republican achievements, and hear reports on the State Party's activities. We appreciated having both Governor Otter and Lieutenant Governor Little address the group. The next State Central Committee meeting will be held in Pocatello on June 20. Please contact your County or Legislative District Chairman for details as we get closer to the meeting.

RNC Chairman Michael Steele visits Idaho.

Michael Steele made his first official speech as the new Republican National Committee Chairman on February 18 -- and he did it in Idaho at the Ada County Lincoln Day Banquet. Chairman Steele electrified the crowd of more than 800 people with his message -- standing tall for our core Republican principles. While he was here, the State Party also hosted a roundtable discussion and fundraiser with Chairman Steele to discuss his vision and his plans for the Republican Party at the national level. As a long-time friend and former Georgetown law school classmate of Michael Steele's, I was very glad that we could get him to Idaho so early in his tenure as our new national chairman.

Idaho GOP Congressional Delegation Stands up for Idaho Values; Votes Against "Stimulus".

Senator Crapo, Senator Risch and Congressman Simpson all know that the so-called stimulus bill is nothing but a massive, pork-barrel tax-and-spend boondoggle by the federal government. Our children and grandchildren will now be saddled with over one trillion dollars in additional debt with no end in sight to the Obama-Reid-Pelosi plan to grow the size and scope of government. Idahoans -- and Americans -- have every right to be outraged.

Celebrating Lincoln.

All around the State, Republicans are celebrating the 200th anniversary of the birth of Abraham Lincoln, the first Republican President, at banquets, luncheons and breakfast events. We encourage you to join us. For the complete schedule, including the Lincoln Day celebration in your area, check the State Party website at or call 343-6405.

Victory in 2010.

We are working on building up our war chest for the 2010 Election. Raising money is crucial for this election as our current representative to the 1st Congressional District outspent us with his own money. Please look for your 2009 Idaho GOP membership card in the mail and activate it with your donation as soon as possible. Also, we are building up our Sustaining Monthly donor program this year, so please consider going online and signing up to be a monthly donor. Click here to sign up now! Even 10 or 20 dollars a month will help us win back the 1st Congressional District and give us the extra push we need to win some of the tight legislative races we will face in 2010.

Please keep up the good work. Our continued success depends on Republicans like you. I look forward to seeing or hearing from you soon.

Victory in 2010!

Norm Semanko, Chairman
Idaho Republican Party

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Congratulations, Chairman Steele!

Fellow Idaho Republicans,

Last week, a good friend of mine - Michael Steele - was elected as the new Chairman of the Republican National Committee. As an early supporter, and part of his leadership team -- one of his twelve whips nationwide -- I couldn't be happier or more proud of where our party is headed.

Michael Steele has the perfect combination of skills -- charisma, optimism and common sense conservative values -- to lead a national resurgence of the Republican Party among the rank-and-file grassroots, as well as everyday Americans.

Michael and I have known each other for almost 20 years, since we went to law school together at Georgetown. In fact we ran against each other for vice president of the evening division in 1990 -- a race I won be a scant 3 votes. I am glad today's race was not that close!

Michael called me soon after the November elections and I told him that I would be proud to support him. He later asked me to be on his leadership team as one of a dozen whips across the country, helping to garner votes among the 168 members of the RNC.

Michael came to Boise to visit and strategize with me over breakfast at the Grove Hotel on January 18. We discussed the success that Republicans enjoy in Idaho and how to make that happen in other states. Now that vision is set to become a reality.

On behalf of Idaho Republicans, I have already thanked former RNC Chairman Mike Duncan for his service to our party, He visited our great state this fall, prior to the general election, and I also had the opportunity to sit down with him again in Boise earlier this month. In my email communication this afternoon, I also thanked him for the class and dignity that he has shown during this important transition for the party.

Michael Steele is scheduled to come to Idaho next month -- he is the featured speaker and guest of honor at the Ada County Lincoln Day Banquet on February 18 -- something I also was also proud to play a role in arranging.
I look forward to having the opportunity to introduce our new Republican Chairman -- and my good friend -- to Idahoans.

Norm Semanko, Chairman
Idaho Republican Party

Monday, January 5, 2009

Chairman's Corner -- 2008 Recap/Moving Ahead in 2009

Happy New Year!

I hope you enjoyed the Christmas season. It has been a busy time here at Idaho GOP headquarters. After a successful 2008 election, we immediately turned our focus to 2009 and preparing for the 2010 elections.

Here are some highlights:

2008 Election Recap. As a State Party, we were able to contribute over $150,000 directly to State Legislative candidates and the House and Senate caucuses. We increased our majority in the House to 52-18 and maintained our 28-7 advantage in the Senate. By any measure, this is a vast improvement over 2006 when we lost seven seats in the House to the Democrats. We raised nearly $50,000 in support of independent expenditure radio ads for our U.S. Senate and Congressional candidates, as well as tens of thousands of dollars to support our absentee and get-out-the-vote efforts. John McCain and Idaho native Sarah Palin won Idaho by a huge 26-point margin. Comparing notes with my fellow State Chairmen across the country since the election, it is apparent that Idaho Republicans continue to lead the way as the reddest of the red States.

New Executive Director. We bid farewell to our Executive Director, Sid Smith, at the end of the year as he was given the opportunity to run U.S. Senator Jim Risch's Coeur d'Alene office. After reviewing numerous resumes and receiving advice from the State Executive Committee, State Officers and other Idaho Republicans, I was pleased to offer the position to Jonathan Parker, Young Republican State Chairman and District Director for Congressman Bill Sali. He started the job on January 5 and I know that he will do a great job working with all Idaho Republicans. He can be reached at or (208) 343-6405.

Governor's Ball and Legislative Gala. Our highlight event of the year will be held at 8:00 pm on Friday, January 30 at the Grove Hotel in Boise. This is a great way to kick-off the new year, celebrating in style with friends, fellow Republicans and our elected officials. Invitations will go out soon and the cost is $25 per person or $40 per couple. For further information, including how to get tickets for the Ball, contact State GOP headquarters at (208) 343-6405 or email

State Central Committee Meeting. The semi-annual meeting of the State Party's governing body will be held on Saturday, January 31 at the Center on the Grove convention center in Boise. Consideration of proposed resolutions, rule changes, reports from elected officials, and other party business will be conducted, along with the presentation of special awards to deserving Republicans. We will also entertain proposals and select a site for the 2010 State Convention. If you are interested in attending, please contact State Party headquarters.

Standing Committees. Working with the seven Regional Chairs, I have completed the process of appointing members to our standing committees, including chairs and vice chairs. This is the team that will help lead us at the upcoming State Central Committee meeting. If you are interested in learning who represents your area of the State, please let us know.

Lincoln Day Banquets. We will again celebrate our first Republican President at dinner banquets, luncheons and breakfasts around the State in February, March and April. The Statewide schedule is currently in the process of being finalized. Contact your County GOP organization or the State GOP office for more information.

2008 has come and gone; another successful year for Idaho Republicans. We now have a great challenge before us -- upholding our core, Republican principles while working to elect our Republican candidates in 2010. The hard work has already begun. I know we are up to the challenge and I look forward to continuing our work together in the days and months to come.

As always, I value your thoughts, ideas and questions so please don't hesitate to contact us here at Idaho GOP headquarters.

Victory 2010
Norm Semanko, Chairman
Idaho Republican Party