Thursday, March 12, 2009

Membership Renewal

Dear Friend,
As Republicans, we face tremendous challenges -- and great opportunities -- over the next few years.We are only a few weeks into the Barack Obama administration and already we are seeing massive pork-barrel spending plans, more taxpayer funded bailouts, and ethically-challenged appointments to top government posts. Obama is even trying to ban Christian Bible studies, worship services and other religious activities from many public education buildings in a section of his pork barrel stimulus plan.

While Obama talked a lot about "change" in the Presidential campaign, it sure looks a lot like the same old failed liberal policies -- and people -- of the past. One thing is for certain: It is going to be a long four years with Democrats in charge of the White House.

Fortunately, things have been better for Republicans here in Idaho. We actually increased our margin in the State Legislature and County Commissions across the State during the last election. However, if we are not prepared, our fortunes can turn for the worse here in Idaho too.
From Governor to State Controller, we have all seven Constitutional Offices to defend in the next election, as well as both Senator Crapo's and Congressman Simpson's seats. And, of course, we need to work hard to reclaim the First Congressional District from Walt Minnick and the Democrats.

Democrats are already busy building up their war chest for the next election cycle. We must do the same.

That’s why I’m pleased to present you with the enclosed 2009 Idaho Republican Party Sustaining Membership card. Please activate your membership by sending in your contribution today!

In 2008, the Idaho Republican Party worked harder than ever to make sure all the voters knew the truth about our Republican slate of candidates.

We brought Republican National Chairman, Mike Duncan to Idaho to assist with fundraising. Former Massachusetts Governor and presidential candidate Mitt Romney came to Idaho to help Senator Jim Risch’s campaign. We sent over 100,000 pieces of Get-Out-The-Vote mail to targeted voters, and we spent over $100,000 on Voter ID, and we were able to give over $150,000 to our legislative candidates and caucuses.

Our candidates’ success at the polls showed how effective these programs are in helping them run competitive campaigns.

But our success depends on you. Please consider donating to the Idaho Republican Party today by sending in your contribution of $500, $250, $100 or even $50 to help us stand up to the Democrats’ attempts to push Idaho to the extreme left.

Our Party organization is developing an ambitious program to recruit top-notch candidates, register new voters and mount effective campaigns all across the state.
Your annual or monthly contribution to the Idaho Republican Party will help us implement our plan and “hit the ground running.” It will ensure that we can continue to provide our candidates with the resources necessary to win.

In 2010, we will need to make sure our state fully supports our constitutional officers, the Republican candidate for Representative of the 1st Congressional District, and continues to send a strong Republican Congressional delegation to keep President Barack Obama, Walt Minnick, and Nancy Pelosi from destroying the progress Republicans have made.

Please join our team. Activate your 2009 Membership by returning the enclosed pledge form with your contribution in the postage-paid envelope provided, or by submitting your payment online at

You and other Republicans have consistently and generously provided the support we need to meet our goals and make a difference. So please become a sustaining member for 2009 by sending in your most generous contribution today. Also, consider donating $100, $50, $25 or even $10 per-month by filling out the enclosed form. But no matter the amount, please continue to support the Idaho Republican Party as an active Sustaining Member. We need your help!
Don’t underestimate the value of your contribution. Without it we will not able to do what must be done to protect our principles, our policies and our programs.

I look forward to your prompt response – and to welcoming you as a 2009 Sustaining Member!


Norm Semanko
Chairman, Idaho Republican Party

Income Tax Donations

Dear Fellow Idaho Republicans, Barack Obama and his liberal friends in Congress are spending tens of billions of dollars -- every day -- with no end in sight. They believe that we can spend our way to prosperity and that big government is the answer to all of our problems.

We know that is not true.

As Republicans, we believe that individual citizens should be allowed to keep more of their hard-earned money; that government needs to be brought under control; and that the individual and the family are at the center of our great republic -- not government.

Please help us communicate this message by taking the opportunity to donate $1 per individual on your State Tax return. It is easy -- it won't reduce your refund or increase your taxes -- and it makes a significant contribution to the Idaho Republican Party. Most importantly, it will get the Republican message out and help stop Barack Obama and the Democrats in Congress from continuing to mortgage the future of our children and our grandchildren.

Thank you for your support.

Victory in 2010!

Norm Semanko, Chairman
Idaho Republican Party

Idaho Republican Party E Newsletter

Dear Fellow Idaho Republicans,
2009 is off to a great start! Here are some of the highlights of the past couple months:

Record attendance at the Governor's Ball and GOP Legislative Gala.

Over 900 people showed up at the Grove Hotel in Boise on the evening of January 30 to celebrate with their Republican friends and elected GOP officials. There were a lot of young, new faces there; a fact that was not lost on Governor Otter as he addressed the crowd. Despite his recent shoulder injury, the Governor stayed well into the night to greet the GOP faithful that attended the Ball, as did our GOP Legislative leadership and Constitutional officers.

State Central Committee Meeting.

The GOP State Central Committee met in Boise on January 31 to conduct official party business, including consideration of proposed rules and resolutions, present awards in recognition of outstanding Republican achievements, and hear reports on the State Party's activities. We appreciated having both Governor Otter and Lieutenant Governor Little address the group. The next State Central Committee meeting will be held in Pocatello on June 20. Please contact your County or Legislative District Chairman for details as we get closer to the meeting.

RNC Chairman Michael Steele visits Idaho.

Michael Steele made his first official speech as the new Republican National Committee Chairman on February 18 -- and he did it in Idaho at the Ada County Lincoln Day Banquet. Chairman Steele electrified the crowd of more than 800 people with his message -- standing tall for our core Republican principles. While he was here, the State Party also hosted a roundtable discussion and fundraiser with Chairman Steele to discuss his vision and his plans for the Republican Party at the national level. As a long-time friend and former Georgetown law school classmate of Michael Steele's, I was very glad that we could get him to Idaho so early in his tenure as our new national chairman.

Idaho GOP Congressional Delegation Stands up for Idaho Values; Votes Against "Stimulus".

Senator Crapo, Senator Risch and Congressman Simpson all know that the so-called stimulus bill is nothing but a massive, pork-barrel tax-and-spend boondoggle by the federal government. Our children and grandchildren will now be saddled with over one trillion dollars in additional debt with no end in sight to the Obama-Reid-Pelosi plan to grow the size and scope of government. Idahoans -- and Americans -- have every right to be outraged.

Celebrating Lincoln.

All around the State, Republicans are celebrating the 200th anniversary of the birth of Abraham Lincoln, the first Republican President, at banquets, luncheons and breakfast events. We encourage you to join us. For the complete schedule, including the Lincoln Day celebration in your area, check the State Party website at or call 343-6405.

Victory in 2010.

We are working on building up our war chest for the 2010 Election. Raising money is crucial for this election as our current representative to the 1st Congressional District outspent us with his own money. Please look for your 2009 Idaho GOP membership card in the mail and activate it with your donation as soon as possible. Also, we are building up our Sustaining Monthly donor program this year, so please consider going online and signing up to be a monthly donor. Click here to sign up now! Even 10 or 20 dollars a month will help us win back the 1st Congressional District and give us the extra push we need to win some of the tight legislative races we will face in 2010.

Please keep up the good work. Our continued success depends on Republicans like you. I look forward to seeing or hearing from you soon.

Victory in 2010!

Norm Semanko, Chairman
Idaho Republican Party